Objective: To develop a regional departmental strategy in line with the overall company and business unit strategies and which meets the needs of the local and regional stakeholders and supports effective cross-departmental collaboration
Our Role: An interview questionnaire was developed after a review of all relevant internal guidance and strategic documents and an in-depth workshop with the project owner on perceived priorities over the next 3-5 years. Interviews were conducted with a broad range of stakeholders affected by the future departmental strategy including direct team members in the region and countries and indirect stakeholders from other departments. The results of the interviews and existing documents with impact on the work of the department were used to formulate a mission statement and to define core components of the work to be done in order to achieve the mission. A modular slide set was produced which is used to communicate the departmental strategy to stakeholder (upstream, downstream and across departments). The results were tested and fine-tuned in collaboration with the stakeholders.
Key Achievements: A consistent strategic guidance to all stakeholders in an easy-to-use format adaptable to different audiences.
Objective: To develop guidance for a therapeutic division of a pharmaceutical to be used to identify attractive opportunities in business development and research.
Our Role: Development of a set of evaluation criteria in collaboration with a cross-departmental expert team (clinical, R&D, regulatory, marketing, commercial, etc.). Key external stakeholders (medical, payer, patient) were involved to validate the evaluation criteria and to understand the importance of such criteria from different perspectives. The results were synthesized into a multi-criteria decision tool which can be used to test new technologies for their business attractiveness.
Key Achievements: After completion of the project, all stakeholders within the company were aligned on how to prioritize and assess future opportunities.
Consequence: The tool is used for evaluation and for more structured and rational discussions in the assessment of new business or R&D opportunities. It also serves to define the Go-or-Stop thresholds in further development of such opportunities.
Objective: To develop an interactive value dossier which can be used by internal users to highlight the product strengths, to source the underlying evidence, and to understand the evidence gaps which should be filled with additional studies.
Our Role: Systematic reviews of all aspects of the available evidence were conducted in collaboration with an expert team. A broad list of evidence based value claims was developed and challenged within the team. The result was edited for electronic publication, which was transferred into the electronic format by a programming provider. The tool was introduced to the global team in a one day workshop conducted during a global company management meeting.
Key Achievements: An easy to use and easy to update electronic interactive tool to be used by internal stakeholders in communicating the product value to their local external stakeholders (regulators, agencies, payers).
Objective: To develop modular training components which can be used to enhance market access knowledge within the company or to provide training on specific market access related subjects to external stakeholders.
Our Role: Elaboration of training modules (e.g., Value concepts, Health economics basics, Health economics methods, Health economic applications, Health Technology Assessment, International Health Policy, Pharmaceutical Pricing, Patient Reported Outcomes, etc.). The modules were complemented with interactive workshop elements and where possible internal examples were used to demonstrate real applications.
Key Achievements: A range of training modules, which can be combined into training blocks of 2 to 16 hours as needed. Regular evaluations revealed very positive reception by the audience. Training sessions were requested by a broad range of internal stakeholders across departments.
Consequence: The training modules were rolled out as needed / requested over several years with a regular validation of the content and update as required. Training sessions were applied in different countries and across departments to enhance the overall knowledge of Market Access elements. Specific aspects of the training were also offered to external stakeholders to enhance their knowledge and to improve the discussion base (e.g., Health Technology Assessment, Health economic methods, Health policy & quality)
Objective: To develop short and entertaining educational tools to draw attention to specific market access or healthcare related issues
Our Role: We were asked to transfer specific issues or messages into short educational visuals. That included the development of the storyline, conceptualize the story board, and realize the video either by ourselves or in collaboration with expert programmers.
Consequence: The videos were successfully used in online formats, at conferences or at workshops. On request of the audience, some of the videos were translated into several languages. For examples, please check on our website under ‘Edu-Clips’.
A medical device manufacturer needed a systematic review of all information available on the outcome and cost implications connected to the use of a specific type of medical device. The review had been requested by the HTA authority.
Our role: Identification of independent clinical and outcomes experts with experience in the use of the technology, conduct of systematic review, challenge of review by external experts and revision.
Result: HTA report and, subsequently, short version for internal education and communication (for scientific liaison managers). Subsequently, publication of a book chapter in a specialist reference book on health economic and value aspects of the technology.
Story: An association of local biotech/diagnostic companies wants to collaboratively start a service business to the pharmaceutical industry
Our role:
Analysis of the international market and regulatory status in this field
Development of structured questionnaire in collaboration with sponsor
Interviews with Pharmaceutical companies and CROs for acceptability of the service
Result: Report & Recommendation
Hypothesis: A protein test can differentiate responders from non-responders after 2 weeks of treatment. Savings are expected from reduction of ‚wasted therapy‘
Learning: The advisers do not expect savings because non-responders will be treated with an alternative drug. However, they recognize that there might be an improvement in treatment quality.
Opportunity 1: The advisers see the opportunity to use the marker as a basis for an innovative pricing scheme
BUT: The current care pathway does not include an office visit after 2 weeks. The advisers fear an increase in cost. The advisers suggest to reconsider the value proposition
Alternative Option:
Change test algorithm (e.g. self test by patient, pharmacy based test etc.)
Hypothesis: the new drug will be prescribed for a 1 year treatment cycle, followed by a 1 year ‚drug holiday‘
The hypothesis is presented at STA-RT as part of the target value concept for discussion.
Learning: Payers advise to plan for 6 month cycles to be able to have cost and savings within the same budget year
Consequence: Because the input comes early enough, the clinical trials can be adapted to this need. Since the drug seems to have a fast onset of action, the risk seems to be limited. The treatment period of 12 months had been used, because that it had been used in other studies for competitor drugs.
Clinical study can be adapted with the advantage of a shorter trial period.
Hypothesis: patient compliance will be improved because of the drug application via a patch
The hypothesis was presented as one part of the value concept to the advisers (payers, healthcare decision makers)
Learning: There is no hard real life data an current compliance and the health outcome of low compliance existing.
The advisers suggest to collect data on current adherence and to collect evidence on the impact of non-adherence on health outcome and cost.
Consequence: Comparative evidence will be available at launch.
Objective: A manufacturer wanted up-to date information on ongoing research in a specific disease / therapy area which could help to improve the market access strategy for a future product
Our Role: We developed a set of questions and visited core conferences of interest to collect all reports on the area of interest at the conference and to conduct interviews with the researchers involved in the studies. With these insights a report on ongoing research and expectations of current research for upcoming changes in this field was produced.
Key Achievements: The format allowed a regular update and revision in form of a rolling document approach