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E Faulkner, L Annemans, L Garrison, M Helfand, AP Holtorf, J Hornberger, D Hughes, et al. “Challenges in the Development and Reimbursement of Personalized Medicine—Payer and Manufacturer Perspectives and Implications for Health Economics and Outcomes Research: A Report of the ISPOR Personalized Medicine Special Interest Group.” Value Health 15, 1162–1171 (2012).
A.-P. Holtorf (1999) A common direction – Collaborations and contributions towards quality in healthcare, Invited lecture at the XII Malente Symposium, Dräger Foundation, Lübeck: Health Care Systems at Crossroads: Balancing Individual Needs with Financial Limitations.
A.-P. Holtorf (1996) Moderation of the Symposium ‘Disease management im vernetzten Gesundheitswesen’ (Disease Management in the Integrated Health Care System) including lecture ‘ Integriertes Gesundheitsmanagement; Herausforderung für die Pharmaindustrie’ (Integrated Healthcare Management; Challenge for the Pharmaceutical Industry); 14. October 1996 in Munich – as day 1 of the meeting ‘Disease Management und Online-Medien für das Pharma Produkt Management’ (Disease Management and online media for the pharmaceutical product management).
A.-P. Holtorf (1996) Integriertes Gesundheitsmanagement und Information: Einfluss auf die pharmazeutische Industrie (Disease Management and Information: Impact on the Pharmaceutical Industry), Invited lecture, IMS Pharma Gesprächsrunde, Frankfurt a.M./Germany, 7/8.Nov.1996.