Holtorf, A.-P. (2022). Patient Reported Outcomes. In L. Pradelli & A. Wertheimer (Eds.), Pharmacoeconomics: Principles and Practice (pp. 77–98). SEEd. https://doi.org/10.7175/693.ch6
Holtorf AP, Pharmaceutical Market Access in Germany; In “Pharmaceutical Market Access in Developed Markets”. Ed. Wertheimer & Koçkaya, Torino, Italy: SEEd srl, (2018) download here
Holtorf AP, Cook N, The Role of Patients in Market Access, In “Pharmaceutical Market Access in Developed Markets”. Ed. Wertheimer & Koçkaya, Torino, Italy: SEEd srl, (2018) download here
Holtorf, AP. (2013) “PATIENT REPORTED OUTCOMES.” In Pharmacoeconomics. Principles and Practice. Chapter 5. Torino, Italy: SEEd srl, First edition. ISBN: 978-88-9741-938-9;
AP Holtorf, H. Rinde, F. Rupprecht, H. Alder and D. Brixner (2012). The Economic Impact of Bariatric Surgery, Advanced Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery, Chih-Kun Huang (Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-307-926-4, InTech,
“Chapter 2: Economic Impact of Biofilms on Treatment Cost” by Chapter 2: John G. Thomas, Isaiah Litton, Harald Rinde. Editors: John L. Pace, Mark E. Rupp, Roger G. Finch. [Biofilms, Infection and Antimicrobial Therapy. Taylor & Frances. ISBN: 9780824726430] 2006
“Chapter 8: Disease Management in Pharmaceutical Companies” by: Harald Rinde. Editor: J. Couch Epilogue: James, Bill First, Foreword: Philip Caper [The Health Care Professional’s Guide to Disease Management: Patient-Centered Care for the 21st Century. Aspen Publications, USA] First edition: 1997; Second edition: 1998
Holtorf A.-P., Petri T, Hermans H. (1994) Beneficial Effects of Animal Cell Technology. ACTIP Publication, Drukkerij Humanitas, Rotterdam;
Journal Publications
Holtorf AP, Danyliv A, Krause A, et al. Ethical and legal considerations in social media research for health technology assessment: conclusions from a scoping review. International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care. 2023;39(1):e62. doi:10.1017/S0266462323000399
Holtorf AP, Danyliv A, Huang LY, et al. Using social media research in health technology assessment: stakeholder perspectives and scoping review. International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care. 2023;39(1):e63. doi:10.1017/S0266462323002593
Burrell A, Zrubka Z, Champion A, AP Holtorf, et al. How Useful Are Digital Health Terms for Outcomes Research? An ISPOR Special Interest Group Report. Value Health. 2022;25(9):1469-1479. doi:10.1016/j.jval.2022.04.1730
Hofmann, Axel, Donat R. Spahn, Anke-Peggy Holtorf, and PBM Implementation Group. 2021. “Making Patient Blood Management the New Norm(al) as Experienced by Implementors in Diverse Countries.” BMC Health Services Research 21 (1): 634. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12913-021-06484-3.
Holtorf A-P, Mueller D, Sousa MSA, Pretorius L, Wijaya KE, Adeyemi S, Ankleshwaria D (2021). Pilot approach to analyzing patient and citizen involvement in health technology assessment in four diverse low- and middle-income countries. International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care 1–9. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0266462320002263
Eric Faulkner, Anke-Peggy Holtorf, Surrey Walton, Christine Y. Liu, Hwee Lin, Eman Biltaj, Diana Brixner, et al. 2020. “Being Precise About Precision Medicine: What Should Value Frameworks Incorporate to Address Precision Medicine? A Report of the Personalized Precision Medicine Special Interest Group.” Value in Health 23 (5): 529–39. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jval.2019.11.010.
Weeks L, Polisena J, Scott AM, Holtorf AP, Staniszewska S, Facey K. Evaluation of Patent and Public Involvement in Health Technology Assessment, Accepted by IJTAHC. Manuscript ID: IJTAHC-17-009.R1
Holtorf, A.-P., & Bertelsen, N. (2016). Moving Center Stage: patients claim their role in healthcare. Farmeconomia. Health Economics and Therapeutic Pathways, 17(1), 3–6. http://dx.doi.org/10.7175/fe.v17i1.1240
Lee, J.-M., Kim, M.-J., Phongkitkarun, S., Sobhonslidsuk, A., Holtorf, A.-P., Rinde, H., & Bergmann, K. (2016). Health economic evaluation of Gd-EOB-DTPA MRI versus ECCM-MRI and multidetector computed tomography in patients with suspected hepatocellular carcinoma in Thailand and South Korea. Journal of Medical Economics, 0(ja), 1–40. http://doi.org/10.3111/13696998.2016.1171230
Anke-Peggy Holtorf, Diana Brixner, Brandon Bellows, and Abdulkadir Keskinaslan. “Current and Future Use of HEOR Data in Decisionmaking in the US and Emerging Markets.” American Health & Drug Benefits, 5/7, 428–438; (2012).
Biskupiak JE, Dunn JD, Holtorf A-P. Implementing CER: What Will It Take? J Manag Care Pharm. 2012;18(5 Supp A):S19–29.
E Faulkner, L Annemans, L Garrison, M Helfand, AP Holtorf, J Hornberger, D Hughes, et al. “Challenges in the Development and Reimbursement of Personalized Medicine—Payer and Manufacturer Perspectives and Implications for Health Economics and Outcomes Research: A Report of the ISPOR Personalized Medicine Special Interest Group.” Value Health 15, 1162–1171 (2012).
Brixner DI, Holtorf A, Neumann PJ, Malone DC, & Watkins JB (2009) Standardizing quality assessment of observational studies for decision making in health care. J Manag Care Pharm 15:275-83.
Holtorf A, McAdam-Marx C, Schaaf D, Eng B, & Oderda G (2009) Systematic review on quality control for drug management programs: Is quality reported in the literature? BMC Health Services Research 9:38;
C McAdam-Marx, DT Schaaf, AP Holtorf, Benjamin Eng, GM. Oderda. Systematic Analysis of Outcomes Evaluations Applied to Drug Management Programs. Am J Manag Care. 2008;14(11 Spec No.):SP36-SP45
Holtorf A, Watkins JB, Mullins CD, Brixner D. Incorporating Observational Data into the Formulary Decision-Making Process—Summary of a Roundtable Discussion. J Manag Care Pharm. 2008;14(3):302-8
A-P. Holtorf; J. LaFleur; D. Servatius; B. Jeffries; D. Brixner, (2007) Prescription Drug Use by Women and Men in Utah Medicaid. UTAH’S HEALTH: An Annual Review, Volume 12: Supplement: Women’s Health in Utah, pp 97-99, Eds.: National Center of Excellence In Women’s Health Demonstration Project Region VIII,
A-P. Holtorf, J. LaFleur, D. Servatius, B. Jeffries, C. McBeth, D. Brixner, (2007) Statin Treatment of Diabetic Patients in Utah Medicaid. UTAH’S HEALTH: An Annual Review, Volume 12: Supplement: Women’s Health in Utah, pp 57-71, Eds.: National Center of Excellence In Women’s Health Demonstration Project Region VIII,
Holtorf A-P (2001) A Common Direction: Collaborations and Contributions towards quality in Health Care; Edition Drägerstiftung, Vol. 17 (Gesundheitssystems am Scheideweg: Zwischen Wettbewerb und Solidarität) 138-144
Schläpfer BS, Scheibler M, Holtorf A-P, Nguyen HV. Pluschke G (1995) Development of Optimised Transfectoma Cell Lines for Production of Chimeric Antibodies in Hollow Fiber Cell Culture Systems. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 45, 310-319
Holtorf AP (1993) Animal Cell Technology Industrial Platform: Für die Zukunft tierischer Zellkulturen in Industrie und Forschung Europas. Chimia, 47, 495-96
Before 1990:
McArdle CA, Holtorf AP (1989) Oxytocin and progesterone release from bovine corpus luteal cells in culture: Effects of insulin-like growth factor I, insulin, and prostaglandins. Endocrinology, 124, 1278-1286
Hofmann HD, Unsicker K, Holtorf AP (1987) Protein phosphorylation in PC12 pheochromocytoma cells in response to two neurotrophic factors. J.Neurochem.(Suppl.), 48, p.S56
Holtorf AP, Unsicker K, Hofmann HD (1987) NGF changes membrane bound kinase activities in PC12 pheochriomocytoma cells. J.Neurochemistry, 48suppl., p.S042
Holtorf AP, Unsicker K, Hofmann HD (1988) Nerve growth factor (NGF)-dependent kinase activities in PC12 pheochromocytoma cells; European Journal of Endocrinology 117, no. 4 (4): S51-S51
Champney TH, Holtorf AP, Craft CM, Reiter RJ (1986) Hormonal modulation of pineal melatonin synthesis in rats and syrian hamsters: Effect of streptozocin-induced diabetes and insulin injections, Comp.Biochem.Physiol., 83a, 391-395
Holtorf AP, Heldmaier G, Thiele G, Steinlechner S (1985) Diurnal changes in sensitivity to melatonin in intact and pinealectomized djungarian hamsters: Effects on thermogenesis, cold tolerance, and gonads; J.Pineal Res., 2, 393-403
Reiter RJ, Holtorf AP, Champney TH, Vaughan MK (1984) Relative efficacy of melatonin and 5- methoxytryptamine in terms of their antigonadotrophic and counteranti-gonadotrophic actions in male syrian hamsters; J.Pineal Res. 1 (1984) 91-98
Champney TH, Holtorf A-P, Steger RW, Reiter RJ (1984) Concurrent determination of enzymatic activity and substrate concentrations in the melatonin synthetic pathway within the same pineal gland; J.Neuroscience Res., 11, 59-66
Thiele G, Holtorf A, Steinlechner S, Reiter RJ (1983) The influence of different light irradiances on pineal N-acetyltransferase activity and melatonin levels in the cotton rat, Sigmodon hispidus, Life Sciences, 33, 1543-47
Holtorf, A.-P., Palacios, D., & Brixner, D. I. (2014a). Are patient reported outcomes relevant to patients? Learnings from a patient advocate survey. In Value in Health (p. PIH77). Amsterdam. Retrieved from http://www.ispor.org/RESEARCH_STUDY_DIGEST/details.asp
Holtorf, A.P., K. Bergmann, M.J. Kim, S. Phongkitkarun, A. Sobhonslidsuk, H. Rinde, and J.M. Lee. “PMD28 Comparing the Cost and Diagnostic Efficiency of Gadoxetic Acid-Enhanced MRI Versus Extracellular Contrast Media-Enhanced MRI and Multidetector Computed Tomography in Patients With Suspected Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Thailand and Korea.” Value in Health 15, no. 7 (November 2012): A349–A350. Retrieved from http://www.ispor.org/RESEARCH_STUDY_DIGEST/
Holtorf, A.P., H. Rinde, and N. Maniadakis. “PHP142 Drug Shortages Around the World and the Underlying Reasons.” Value in Health 15, no. 7 (November 2012): A314. Retrieved from http://www.ispor.org/RESEARCH_STUDY_DIGEST/
Holtorf, A.P., K. Bergmann, M.J. Kim, S. Phongkitkarun, A. Sobhonslidsuk, H. Rinde, and J.M. Lee. “Comparing the Cost and Diagnostic Efficiency of Gadoxetic Acid-Enhanced MRI Tomography in Patients With Suspected Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Thailand and Korea.” Value in Health 15, no. 7 (November 2012): A349–A350; PMD28. doi:10.1016/j.jval.2012.08.877.
Rinde, H., C.J. Zech, E. Jonas, K. Bergmann, and A.P. Holtorf. “PMD33 The Impact of Three Different Imaging Strategies on Surgery Planning for Patients With Colorectal Cancer Liver Metastases.” Value in Health 15, no. 7 (November 2012): A350–A351.
Faulkner, Eric C, AP Holtorf, M Longacre, and Lieven Annemans. 2011. Value-Based Reimbursement For Personalized Medicine: Where Do We Stand? ‘Value in Health‘. Madrid, Spain, November.
Cost-effectiveness of the cardiovascular marker ST2 in providing risk stratification after acute heart failure. Harald Rinde, MD, MBA, Anne Rubin, MBA [ISPOR 14th Annual European Congress, Madrid] Nov 2011
“Cost-Effectiveness of Risk Stratification for Preventing Type 2 Diabetes Using A Multi-Marker Diabetes Risk Score” by Sean D. Sullivan, PhD, Louis P. Garrison, PhD, Harald Rinde, PhD, Janice Kolberg, PhD, Edward Mohler PhD [Journal of Medical Economics Vol. 14, No. 5, 2011, 609–616] Jul 2011
Holtorf, A P, Gary Oderda, Andres Pichon-Riviere, and Abdulkadir Keskinaslan. 2011. The Role Of Health Economic And Outcomes Research (Heor) Evidence In Formulary And Reimbursement Decisions In Latin America Versus The United States. In Value in Health. Vol. 7. Mexico City, September.
How Good is Good Enough? An Evaluation of Minimum Performance Standards for Acceptance of New Diagnostic Tests in Lung Cancer. Stephen Williamsa, Rachel Ostroffa, Mark Messenbaugh, Harald Rinde, Lou Riceberg, York Miller, Harvey Pass [American Thoracic Society International Conference, Denver] May 2011
Holtorf, A-P, A Keskinaslan, JE Biskupiak, and DI Brixner. 2010. Current and Future Use of Pharmacoeconomic and Outcomes Research Data in Decision Making in the USA. Poster presented at the ISPOR 13th Annaual European Meeting, November, Prague.
“The Value of Personalized, Predictive Risk-assessment Tools for the Prevention of Chronic Diseases” by Edward J. Moler, PhD , Louis P. Garrison, Jr, PhD, Harald Rinde, MD, MBA, Janice Kolberg, PhD , Sean D. Sullivan, PhD. JSM 2010 (Joint Statistical Meeting, Ontario, Jul-2010.
A.P.Holtorf, D. Brixner, J. Biskupiak. Current and future use of health economic and outcomes research data in decision making. Workshop. ESMDM Meeting, Hall, Austria, 31.May-2.June 2010
“Long-Term Cost-Effectiveness of a Diabetes Risk Score” by Sean D. Sullivan, Richard Polluck, Louis P. Garrison, Harald Rinde, Janice Kolberg [American Diabetes Associations 69th Scientific Sessions in New Orleans. Scientific Sessions Abstract Book, the June 2009 supplement to the journal Diabetes] Jun-2009
Szeinbach, Sheryl L, Noreen Sullivan, Enrique Seoane-Vazquez, Amit Chhabra, Eric Faulkner, Anke-Peggy Holtorf, Dimitri Polygenis, Mayvis Rebeira, Jose Manuel Rodriguez, and Karl Matuszewski. “Identifying Key Decision Pathways in Health Technology Assessment Around the World.” Orlando, 2009.
Use of Real World Data Workshop: Quality assurance of evidence from real world data (RWD) for reimbursement decisions. ISPOR International Congress, Paris 2009. Diana Brixner RPh, PhD, Daniel Malone PhD, RPh, Anke-Peggy Holtorf PhD, MBA,
A.-P. Holtorf (2008) Health Technology Assessment and Decision making in the USA. Invited lecture. 14th International Pharmaceutical Technology Symposium (IPTS). Antalya, Turkey
“Long-Term Cost Effectiveness of a Diabetes Risk Score in Clinical Practice” by Sean D. Sullivan, Louis P. Garrison, Harald Rinde, Janice Kolberg, Edward Moler and Mickey Urdea [ISPOR Thirteenth Annual International, New Orleans. Value in Health, International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research, Volume 11 Issue 3, Pages A322 -353 May/June 2008]
Nickman NA, Haak SW, Harald E, Holtorf A, Joshi A, Kim J, et al. Cost Minimization Analysis of Different Growth Hormone Devices Based on Time-And-Motion Simulations. In: Value in Health. 2008. Poster at ISPOR 13th Annual International Meeting, May 3-7, Toronto
Nickman N, Haak SW, Holtorf AP, Joshi AV, Brixner D (2007) Time-And-Motion Evaluation of Different Growth Hormone Formulations. Poster presentation at ISPOR 10th Annual European Congress in Dublin; Sunday, 21 October 2007
A-P. Holtorf, PhD, MBA; J. LaFleur, PharmD, MSPH; D. Servatius; B. Jeffries, PharmD Candidate; D. Brixner, RPh, PhD, (2007) Prescription Drug Use in Utah Medicaid. Utah Health Services Research Conference: “Utah Health Services Research Meets Public Health Informatics”, University of Utah, Salt Lake City (Poster)
A-P. Holtorf, J. LaFleur, D. Servatius, B. Jeffries, C. McBeth, D. Brixner, (2007) Statin Treatment of Diabetic Patients in Utah Medicaid. Utah Health Services Research Conference: “Utah Health Services Research Meets Public Health Informatics”, University of Utah, Salt Lake City (Poster)
“Changes of Working Ability and Handicap in a Swiss Cohort of Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients Treated with Etanercept in Daily Practice” by Wasserfallen, Jean-Blaise; Synove, Daneel; Rinde, Harald; Forster, Adrian [3rd Annual Meeting of Health Technology Assessment International (HTAi), an international society for the promotion of health technology assessment 2006. Published in: International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care (IJTAHC)] Jul-2006
“Efficacy of Etanercept in Daily Clinical Practice in Swiss Cohort of Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients” by Wasserfallen, Jean-Blaise; Synove, Daneel; Rinde, Harald; Forster, Adrian [3rd Annual Meeting of Health Technology Assessment International (HTAi), an international society for the promotion of health technology assessment] Jul-2006
A.-P. Holtorf (2006) BioValley Seminar Series “Creating Value with Diagnostics”
“Etanercept Demonstrated Significant Reduction of Burden of Illness After 3 Years of Treatment in Swiss Moderate to Severe RA Cohort” by Harald Rinde, Adrian Forster, Synove Daneel, J-B. Wasserfallen, Amitabh Singh, Jorge Wernli [Association of Rheumatology Health Professionals Annual Scientific Meeting, San Antonio] Oct-2004
“Development of a Flexible Mobile System for the Remote Management of Chronic Diseases” by Brendan J. Murray, PhD and Harald Rinde, MD, MBA [Schweizerische Gesellschaft fur Medizinische Informatik / Swiss Society for Medical Informatics (SMI 53)] 2004
“Work and Productivity Loss in a Swiss Cohort of Patients with Moderate to Severe RA: Results from Swiss Clinical Quality Management Study” by A Singh, H Rinde, A Forster, S Daneel, J-B Wasserfallen, J Wernli [American College of Rheumatology / Association of Rheumatology Health Proffessionals (ACR/ARHP) Annual Scientific Meeting] 2004
“A Double-Bind Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Trial for Smoking Reduction Involving Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT)” by Karl Klingler, Jurg Barandun, Thomas Scherer, Beat Walder, Harald Rinde and Jorge Wernli [75th anniversary of the Congress of Swiss Pneumologists in St. Gallen, Switzerland. 12th World Conference on Tobacco or Health in Helsinki August 3-8, 2003]
A.-P. Holtorf (1999) A common direction – Collaborations and contributions towards quality in healthcare, Invited lecture at the XII Malente Symposium, Dräger Foundation, Lübeck: Health Care Systems at Crossroads: Balancing Individual Needs with Financial Limitations
A.-P. Holtorf (1997) Disease Management – Sourcing and managing the underlying information. Invited lecture at the FT World pharmaceutical conference, London, 24/25. Mar. 97. The paper was published in the Journal ‘Managed Care Europe’ in April 1997
A.-P. Holtorf, D. Brixner (1996) Separating Fact from Fantasy, Jan. 22-24, 1996, Tucson, Arizona – Panel Discussion
A.-P. Holtorf (1996) Nutzung von Intra- und Internet für neue Marketingkonzepte (Utilisation of Intranet and Internet for Novel Marketing Concepts) Invited Lecture at the Symposium ‘Internet’ in Munich/Germany, Heinrich Kongress Management, 18/19 June 1996
A.-P. Holtorf (1996) Moderation of the Symposium ‘Disease management im vernetzten Gesundheitswesen’ (Disease Management in the Integrated Health Care System) including lecture ‘ Integriertes Gesundheitsmanagement; Herausforderung für die Pharmaindustrie’ (Integrated Healthcare Management; Challenge for the Pharmaceutical Industry); 14. October 1996 in Munich – as day 1 of the meeting ‘Disease Management und Online-Medien für das Pharma Produkt Management’ (Disease Management and online media for the pharmaceutical product management)
A.-P. Holtorf (1996) Integriertes Gesundheitsmanagement und Information: Einfluss auf die pharmazeutische Industrie (Disease Management and Information: Impact on the Pharmaceutical Industry), Invited lecture, IMS Pharma Gesprächsrunde, Frankfurt a.M./Germany, 7/8.Nov.1996