Who we work for | Developers (pharmaceutical, diagnostic, medical device) | Investors | Decision Makers |
What we do | Analyzing and modeling early which impact can be expected on therapy outcome and cost.Testing the hypothesis with future decision makers and payers. | Assessing healthcare alternatives (HTA / health technology assessment).
Considering stakeholder perspectives (e.g. patients / citizens) Platform for early influence on new products and services. Networking with peers across boarders. Platform for addressing current topics in healthcare related decision making |
Defining the targets in the development.Identifying the path to the market.Value dossiers and value dossier reviews | Setting priorities among the investment alternatives. | ||
Education and training – tailored to the need of the recipients
(e.g. health economic and outcomes research methods – international health policy – decision support / prioritization – quality assessment)
What the goal is | … to improve the overall value balance of products and services in healthcare |
By knowing and integrating the perspectives of our customers, we balance and mediate their perceptions of value – early and throughout product development.